martes, 24 de septiembre de 2013

Nursery Rhymes!

Nursery rhymes are poems or songs for little children. 

Recording the last practical class at university, we learnt some interesting things about this beautiful topic, nursery rhymes. I would like to share with you the curious origin about nursery rhymes! 

These chants were not created to entertain children at the 14th century! They were originally created to hide political messages. I cannot believe it! How is it possible that nursery rhymes contain a political topic? I thought.
Then we analyzed the messages of some chants and we saw the true meaning. Exactly! these songs contain topics like sickness, poverty, historical events, against some queens or my mind is a curious question about the origin of these innocent children's songs.
After many years they have lost the original meaning and nowadays children's songs is a useful and funny tool to use at school. Songs can be used in classes for introduce a new topic, to learn new vocabulary, for daily routines etc. I believe that children maintain their attention and memorize quickly the new vocabulary with chants because they enjoy a lot with songs!

During my third practicum at school I learnt a lot about my practice's teacher, she was a creative and patient person. I remember that she always introduced the new vocabulary with songs and movements to represent the new word. Children sang all days these songs before the lesson, they learnt and enjoyed. Finally I remember too that my teacher has always started and finished her classes with songs and I would like to share with you.

To start the class: 

Hello, hello. How are you today?
I am fine thanks you.
I am ready to work and play.

To finish the class:

Goodbye, goodbye.
It is time to say goodbye.
It is time to put your things away.
It is time to say goodbye.

See you soon reader!